Interesting Facts

Discover the facts behind the parks and gardens of Cádiz.

The two hundred-year-old ficus´ found in the Hospital de Mora Square and in the Alameda Apodaca, ……

Most of the parks and gardens that exist today in the old town of the centre of Cadiz, ……

In the city of Cadiz, there are 57 ancient trees of various species, ……

The Metrosidero of Genoves Park (Metrosideros tomentosus), together with another one in La Coruña, ……

The Genoves Park owes its name to the Mayor of the City, Sir Eduardo Genovés y Puig, ……

Candelaria square was formerly called The Moorish Chapel Square (Plaza de la Ermita de los Moriscos), ……

Plaza de España. Vista General 0013 - Cádiz

The old small square, named Plazuela del Carbón, which, at the beginning of the 19th century would be extended with land reclaimed from the sea ……

Mina Square was created in the mid-nineteenth century, ……

The Perennial Glasswort (Salicornia perennis) has developed two curious adaptations to be able to live ……

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