Welcome to the
José Celestino Mutis Platform
An invitation to discover our rich green heritage
José Celestino Mutis Platform
An invitation to discover our rich green heritage
Urban parks, wetlands, marshes and salt flats, modernity mixed with past, make up the catalogue of exceptional natural and cultural value that the municipality of Cadiz treasures.
The recreation of our small, quiet oasis of calm in the bustling comings and goings of the city, inspiration of photographers and artists and a must visit of scholars, visitors and the curious, our Parks and Gardens are much more than the lungs of our city, they are part of our history, our creators and our accountants of it.
Committed to the protection and diffusion of the natural beauty of our municipality, embodied in its parks and gardens, we want to get closer to its particularities, history, monuments, fauna and botanical heritage.
Walk through them, get to know them, and you will fall in love with them.
Genoves Park
The old romantic
The Goverment of Andalucia declared it an Asset of Cultural Interest (BOJA 19/3/2004)

Jewels of
Genoves Park
“Nature never did betray the heart that loved her”
William Wordsworth
English Poet
The great Cadiz botanist naturalists:
Columela and Celestino Mutis
Since his childhood, Columela broadened his mind with the love of nature and agriculture and livestock.
Distinguished and renowned Cadiz-born José Celestino Mutis y Bosio (1732-1808), priest, botanist, geographer, mathematician and doctor, carried out numerous studies of Botany in the New Kingdom of Granada, territory occupied today by Colombia.
The great Cadiz botanist naturalists:
Columela and Celestino Mutis
Natural Park, Bay of Cadiz
Living between the sea and the land
Marshes, salt flats, pine forests, beaches, the perfect coexistence of man and nature.