What is
The creation of a space of 1,000 m2 where education and training about the environment is “generated” and “cultivated”; as well as being a meeting place to discuss and share experiences.
In short, a commitment to promote and optimise the quality of environmental education activities developed by the City of Cadiz.
To raise awareness of the environmental heritage available to the city and to create a sense of relationship between the surroundings of the city to visitors in a way that influences them to have sustainable behaviour.
It makes it possible to have a facility with the right conditions to be able to develop campaigns, activities, courses, seminars and to house an exhibition space whose themes include recycling, botany, urban gardens, healthy food, fauna, flora, energy efficiency, climate change, archaeology, ….
Experiences that cannot be substituted from the classroom or the media.
What is the purpose of
Why the name
The term “ISLA” (island) claims the singularity of the city as an island territory, encompassing its entire municipal area.
The concept “ECO” encompasses ecology, in terms of the branch of sociology that studies the relationships between human groups and their physical and social environment.
Because it is presented as the natural space par excellence of the city and a balcony to the coast, providing us with infinite possibilities and establishing itself as a resource, motivating, real and essential, in order to provoke and contextualise learning. It allows us to escape from the concept of a closed space where learning sessions are traditionally taught. It incorporates the environment as a tool and space where what is learned has meaning, providing an opportunity to observe, experiment and analyse the territory that we must know and in which we must act. Its importance is such that Genovés Park is a space included in the General Catalogue of the Andalusian Historical Heritage considered as an Asset of Cultural Interest.
Why in
Genovés Park?
Genovés Park?
Who is the
target audience?
target audience?
– The educational community.
– Associations and groups.
– The general public.
That is, people of all ages, because we understand education as a process that lasts a lifetime.
In ISLA-ECO, sessions adapted to each group are held in terms of content, timing and methodology to be applied; resulting in a space where citizens will assimilate concepts supported by resources such as replicas of dinosaurs, Phoenician and Roman archaeological remains, orchards, recycling bales of plastic containers and cans, scrap glass, chippings, canvases, murals, healthy eating house, the exhibition hall, a greenhouse covered with illustrations of the expedition of the famous Cadiz botanist Celestino Mutis, an area where the recycling process of light packaging sponsored by the ECOEMBES Foundation is explained, and a space designed by the ECOVIDRIO Foundation where the Escape Room “Glass Crisis” “Vidrio Crisis” is proposed, the latter is a gamble of ECOVIDRIO being unique in the country; Likewise it has counted on citizen collaboration in the donation and development of materials as educational resources.
The Environmental Area proposes ISLA-ECO starting from the premise that basically the objects and resources that integrate the educational space have to start from the recovery, reuse and recycling of them.
What criteria have been established for the provision of educational resources for ISLA-ECO?
What can
visitors find?
visitors find?
– The members of the educational community will have the opportunity to experience education outside the classroom, using different methodology and resources.
– Associations, groups and the general public will have the possibility to observe, experiment and analyse the environment that we should know and in which we have to interact.
By sending a request to the Environmental Department of the City of Cadiz at Avda. María Auxiliadora nº 4 dpdo C.P. 11009 or by sending an email at medioambiente@cadiz.es. The regulated educational centres will receive the educational offer at the beginning of the school year, sending the attached request
How can I sign up
for the different programs?
for the different programs?
Is the activity free or
must it be paid for?
must it be paid for?
It is totally free.
What is
The creation of a space of 1,000 m2 where education and training about the environment is “generated” and “cultivated”; as well as being a meeting place to discuss and share experiences.
In short, a commitment to promote and optimise the quality of environmental education activities developed by the City of Cadiz.
What is the purpose of
To raise awareness of the environmental heritage available to the city and to create a sense of relationship between the surroundings of the city to visitors in a way that influences them to have sustainable behaviour.
It makes it possible to have a facility with the right conditions to be able to develop campaigns, activities, courses, seminars and to house an exhibition space whose themes include recycling, botany, urban gardens, healthy food, fauna, flora, energy efficiency, climate change, archaeology, ….
Experiences that cannot be substituted from the classroom or the media.
Why the name
The term “ISLA” (island) claims the singularity of the city as an island territory, encompassing its entire municipal area.
The concept “ECO” encompasses ecology, in terms of the branch of sociology that studies the relationships between human groups and their physical and social environment.
Why in
Genovés Park?
Genovés Park?
Because it is presented as the natural space par excellence of the city and a balcony to the coast, providing us with infinite possibilities and establishing itself as a resource, motivating, real and essential, in order to provoke and contextualise learning. It allows us to escape from the concept of a closed space where learning sessions are traditionally taught. It incorporates the environment as a tool and space where what is learned has meaning, providing an opportunity to observe, experiment and analyse the territory that we must know and in which we must act. Its importance is such that Genovés Park is a space included in the General Catalogue of the Andalusian Historical Heritage considered as an Asset of Cultural Interest.
Who is the
target audience?
target audience?
– The educational community.
– Associations and groups.
– The general public.
That is, people of all ages, because we understand education as a process that lasts a lifetime.
In ISLA-ECO, sessions adapted to each group are held in terms of content, timing and methodology to be applied; resulting in a space where citizens will assimilate concepts supported by resources such as replicas of dinosaurs, Phoenician and Roman archaeological remains, orchards, recycling bales of plastic containers and cans, scrap glass, chippings, canvases, murals, healthy eating house, the exhibition hall, a greenhouse covered with illustrations of the expedition of the famous Cadiz botanist Celestino Mutis, an area where the recycling process of light packaging sponsored by the ECOEMBES Foundation is explained, and a space designed by the ECOVIDRIO Foundation where the Escape Room “Glass Crisis” “Vidrio Crisis” is proposed, the latter is a gamble of ECOVIDRIO being unique in the country; Likewise it has counted on citizen collaboration in the donation and development of materials as educational resources.
What criteria have been established for the provision of educational resources for ISLA-ECO?
The Environmental Area proposes ISLA-ECO starting from the premise that basically the objects and resources that integrate the educational space have to start from the recovery, reuse and recycling of them.
What can
visitors find?
visitors find?
– The members of the educational community will have the opportunity to experience education outside the classroom, using different methodology and resources.
– Associations, groups and the general public will have the possibility to observe, experiment and analyse the environment that we should know and in which we have to interact.
How can I sign up
for the different programs?
for the different programs?
By sending a request to the Environmental Department of the City of Cadiz at Avda. María Auxiliadora nº 4 dpdo C.P. 11009 or by sending an email at medioambiente@cadiz.es. The regulated educational centres will receive the educational offer at the beginning of the school year, sending the attached request
Is the activity free or
must it be paid for?
must it be paid for?
It is totally free.