José Celestino Mutis Park

The largest urban area destined for a green area

It owes its name to the renowned Cádiz botanist José Celestino Mutis

With an area of 37,965 m², it is the largest urban area of the City destined for the green zone.

Layout of the park

The Celestino Mutis Park, since its inauguration in 2012, has become the largest urban space destined to the green zone of the City.

It first came about thanks to the recovery of the space of the former grounds of the shipyards, from previous industrial use. With the inauguration of this public park, the urbanisation of the Shipyard District was completed.

It is surrounded by the new homes of the Astilleros neighbourhood, the Cortes Avenue, other grounds belonging to the Shipyards and it is connected to the Maritime border of the Bay, equipped with a new promenade. It is close to a large shopping centre and has a new point of access to the city, thanks to the Constitution Bridge of 1812.

The Park is divided into three zones facing the North, East and West.

The North and East zones are affected by the easterly wind with negative effects for the plants due to the proximity of the sea, imposing a limiting factor for the choice of the species and their distribution in the planned space.

The North and East areas are separated by the municipal facilities of the indoor pool and the west zone, due to its location. It is independent and due to its distance from the border with the sea and the existence of adjacent buildings, it is more protected from the wind.

Due to its extension and location, it is very important as a traffic, leisure and sports area. Among the facilities available are: a playground, outdoor equipment for exercises for the elderly, table tennis, board game tables and picnic areas.

One thing to highlight is the large open-air tent called Auditorio de Costa Rica, where cultural activities are held all year round. With a seating capacity of approximately 220 seats, it is covered by PVC textile material on a steel tubular structure anchored by concrete.

From the botanical point of view, the design of the Park responds to a space with a marked didactic and cultural character. In the North and East plots the ordering of the planted areas corresponds to the Latitude of their place of origin and the roads symbolise the different parallels (0º – 20º Latitude N, 20º – 40º L N and 40º- 60º L N). Its South Latitude counterparts connect the promenade of the East zone with the one of the North zone. In between here, there are many open spaces, which can be used for quick visits as well as being places of rest and leisure.

The Park contains specimens of trees, shrubs and perennials of 205 different species, which are distributed according to their length. You can find informative signs of the trees, which identify them, and which provide information regarding their origin, history, botanical characteristics, uses, etc., with a clear purpose of providing the park with a cultural and educational appeal aimed at possible visits by schoolchildren and the general public.

Layout of the park

The Park contains specimens of trees, shrubs and perennials of 205 different species, which are distributed throughout the Park.

The botanical species that make up the Park are:


Aeonium arboreum

Aeonium arboreum atropurpurea

Aeonium canariensis

Agapanthus africana (azul)

Agapanthus africana (blanco)

Agave americana

Agave americana marginata

Agave americana medio-picta

Agave attenuata variegata

Agave attenuata

Agave parryi

Ageratum houstonianum

Albizia julibrissin “ombrella” var. Rosa

Aloe africana

Aloe arborescens

Aloe ferox

Aloe saponaria

Aloe vera

Aloysia trifhylla

Alternanthera bettzickiana

Alyssum maritimum

Amaryllis belladona

Araucaria araucana

Araucaria bidwillii

Araucaria columnaris

Araucaria heterophylla

Arbutus unedo

Arecastrum romanzofianum

Aspidistra elatior

Atriplex halimus

Aucuba japónica

Azalea japónica

Azalea mollis

Banksia integrifolia

Bauhinia grandiflora

Bougainvillea glabra

Brahea armata

Broussonetia papyrifera

Buddleia globosa

Butia capitata

Callistemon citrinus

Canna generalis


Casuarina equisetifolia

Cephalocereus euphorbioides

Cephalocereus leucostele

Cephalocereus smithianus

Cereus hexagonus

Cereus jamacaru

Cereus peruvianus

Cereus peruvianus var. monstrosus

Cestrum nocturnum

Chamaerops humilis

Chitalpa tashkentensis

Chlorophytum comosum variegatum

Chorisia speciosa

Chrysanthemum frutescens

Cistus albidus

Cistus monspeliensis

Clarkia amoena

Clivia miniata

Coprosma repens “variegata”

Coprosma repens (c. bahueri)

Cordyline australis

Cortaderia selloa argentea

Cotyledon macrantha

Cotyledon orbiculata

Crassula arborescens

Crassula argentea

Cycas circinalis

Cycas revoluta

Cyclamen persicum

Delonix regia

Dracaena draco

Drosanthemum hispidum

Drosanthemun speciosum

Echeverias agavoides

Echeverias albicans

Echeverias elegans

Echeverias hyalina

Echinocactus grusoni

Elaeagnus pungens maculata

Erythrina crista-galli

Euonymus japonicus

Euphorbia canariensis


Feijoa sellowiana

Ferocactus horridus

Ficus elástica

Ficus elástica décora

Ficus macrophylla

Ficus rubiginosa

Furcraea foetida medio-picta

Furcraea gigantea

Furcraea selloa marginata

Gazania hybrida roja

Gazania splendens

Gleditsia triacanthos

Grevillea robusta

Griselinia littoralis

Griselinia littoralis “variegata”

Griselinia lucida

Halimium atriplicifolium

Hebe speciosa

Hibiscus rosa-sinensis

Howea forsteriana

Hydrangea macrophylla

Iris germánica

Jacaranda mimosifolia

Jasminum fruticans

Jasminum officinalis

Jubaea chilensis

Juniperus comunis

Juniperus oxycedrus

Lampranthus auranticus

Lampranthus aureus

Lampranthus roseus

Lampranthus spectabilis

Lampranthus spectabilis rosea

Lantana camara

Lavandula officinalis

Lemaireocereus marginatus

Lemaireocereus stellatus

Liriope muscari

Livistona chinensis

Melaleuca ericifolia

Melaleuca hypericifolia

Metrosideros excelsa= Metrosideros tomentosa


Myrtus communis

Nerium oleander

Olea europaea

Opuntia microdasys

Osteospermum ecklonis

Osteospermum fruticosum


Pachycereus pecten-aboriginum

Pandanus utilis

Pelargonium peltatum

Pelargonium zonale

Phoenix canariensis

Phoenix reclinata

Phoenix roebelenii

Phormium tenax

Phormium tenax “variegatum”

Pistacia lentiscus

Pittosporum tobira

Plumbago capensis

Podranea ricasoliana

Punica granatum

Raphiolepis indica

Rosmarinus officinalis

Ruscus aculeatus

Ruscus hypoglosum

Sabal palmetto

Santolina chamaecyparissus

Schinus molle

Senecio cineraria

Spiraea japonica

Sterculia acerifolia

Strelitzia reginae

Strelizia alba

Tetraclinis articulata

Thuja orientalis

Thymus mastichina

Thymus vulgaris

Trachycarpus fortunei

Verbena hybrida

Yucca aloifolia

Yucca elephantipes

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