1. Introduction
The City Council of Cádiz, with CIF P-1101200B, and address at Casa Consistorial, Plaza de San Juan de Dios, s/n, 11005 Cádiz, is the owner of the Internet Portal or website and of the Electronic Office .
Through this, the Cádiz City Council informs of the General Conditions and Terms that regulate access, navigation and use of the Internet Portal, as well as the Electronic Office. In particular, it informs and regulates the access and use of the Internet Portal, as an electronic access point and of the electronic headquarters, as an electronic address, made available to the public, in accordance with articles 38 and 39 of Law 40/ 2015, of October 1, of the Legal Regime of the Public Sector.
The Cádiz City Council may, at any time and without prior notice, modify the General Conditions and Terms of Use, as well as, where appropriate, the Particular Conditions that are established. For this reason, it is recommended that before starting navigation, you carefully read this ‘Legal Notice’.
2. Nature of the information published on the Portal or website
The information provided through this medium is exclusively illustrative and does not give rise to rights or expectations of rights and is not responsible for the content accessible through links or documents existing in other domains.
Cádiz City Council ensures that this information is exact and precise, and proceeds to update it as quickly as possible, trying to avoid errors and correcting them as soon as they are detected. However, the Cádiz City Council cannot guarantee the absence of errors or that the content of the information is permanently updated.
The information contained in the Portal or the electronic headquarters can be modified and updated by the Cádiz City Council, without the need for prior notice, both in terms of its content and its design and presentation.
In general, the information available on this Portal must be understood as a guide with no purpose of legal validity. The administrative information provided through it does not replace the legal publicity of the laws, the general provisions and the acts that will have to be formally published in the official newspapers or bulletins of the public administrations. In the event of any discrepancy between the version of documents and information obtained on this website and the version considered official, the official version of the administrations is the only legally valid one.
3. Transparency portal
Through the information published on the Transparency Portal, the Cádiz City Council periodically and updated the principle of active publicity established by Law 19/2013, of December 9, on transparency, access to public information and good government and, where appropriate, Law 1/2014, of June 24, on Public Transparency of Andalusia, with the appropriate mechanisms to facilitate accessibility, interoperability, quality and reuse of information, as well as its identification and location.
4. Character of the Complaints and Suggestions mailbox.
The information provided in response to any suggestion or complaint, through the Complaints and Suggestions mailbox, is merely indicative and in no case will it be binding for the resolution of administrative procedures, which are strictly subject to the legal or regulatory standards that are applicable to them.
- COMPLAINTS: the writings and communications in which citizens make only statements of disagreement with the provision of services, especially regarding delays, inattention, or any other analogous type of deficient performance that they observe in the operation of services, will be considered as public services, which constitutes a lack of quality in the service provided.
- THEY WILL NOT HAVE THE CONSIDERATION OF COMPLAINTS before the administrative services:
– Complaints that may be filed revealing possible irregularities or violations of the law.
– Complaints that affect the services provided by other public administrations or entities linked to or dependent on them will not be processed through this procedure. - SUGGESTIONS are the proposals formulated by citizens to improve the quality of public services and, especially, those that can help simplify, reduce or eliminate procedures or inconveniences in their relations with the administration, or contribute to a greater degree of satisfaction on the part of the users of said services.
5. Conditions and general terms of use of the Portal and the Electronic Office
By accessing and browsing the Cádiz City Council Internet Portal and/or by using the services included therein, you acquire the status of User, without reservations of any kind, to each and every one of these Conditions and General Terms of Use and the Particular Conditions, which, if applicable, govern the provision of the services that are available on the Portal or Website, without prejudice to the attention and compliance by the User with the conditions established and provided by the websites linked or hyperlinked from, for which the Cádiz City Council is not responsible.
In any case, the User undertakes to make appropriate use of the contents and services that the Cádiz City Council offers through the Portal or electronic office; and, by way of example, but not limitation:
(i) Not engage in illicit, illegal or contrary to good faith and public order activities.
(ii) Not to enter, store or disseminate on or from the Portal any information or material that, explicitly or implicitly, is defamatory, insulting, obscene, threatening, xenophobic, in support of terrorism, pornographic or incites violence, discrimination based on race, sex, ideology, religion or that in any way violates morality, public order, fundamental rights, public freedoms, with special attention to honor, privacy or the image of third parties and, in general against human rights.
(iii) Not to use false identities, or impersonate the identity of others in the use of the Portal or in the use of any of the services provided, including the use, where appropriate, of passwords or access codes of third parties or in any other way.
Consequently, the User may not try to access and, where appropriate, use the passwords of other users and modify or manipulate their messages.
(iv) Not introduce, store or disseminate through the Portal or electronic office any computer program, data, virus, code, hardware or telecommunications equipment or any other instrument or electronic or physical device that is likely to cause damage to the Portal , in any of the services, or in any of the equipment, systems or networks of the Cádiz City Council or, in general, of any third party, or that in any other way is capable of causing any type of alteration or preventing the normal functioning of the same.
(v) Not to destroy, alter, use for its own use, disable or damage the data, information, programs or electronic documents of the Cádiz City Council or any third party.
(vi) Not to introduce, store or disseminate through the Portal or the electronic headquarters any content that infringes intellectual or industrial property rights or business secrets of third parties, nor in general any content of which it does not hold, in accordance with the law, the right to make it available to third parties.
(vii) Do not use the services offered on the Portal or electronic headquarters with the aim of promoting external companies and services, other web pages and carrying out advertising or commercial campaigns, or to act for the benefit of legal entities.
In the event of contravening the above conditions, the Cádiz City Council reserves the right and will be entitled to block, suspend or cancel, immediately and without prior notice, access and use of the Portal or electronic headquarters and, where appropriate, to remove the allegedly or declaredly illegal content, whether done at its sole discretion, and at the request of an affected third party or competent authority.
The Cádiz City Council is not responsible for any damages that may arise from, with a merely illustrative and non-limiting character:
6. Responsabilidad
(i) Inferencias, omisiones, interrupciones, virus informáticos, averías y/o desconexiones en el funcionamiento operativo de este sistema electrónico o en los aparatos y equipos informáticos de los Usuarios, motivadas por causas ajenas al Ayuntamiento de Cádiz, que impidan o retrasen la prestación de los servicios o la navegación por el Sistema.
(ii) Retrasos o bloqueos en el uso causados por deficiencias o sobrecargas de Internet o en otros sistemas electrónicos.
(iii) Intromisiones ilegítimas que puedan ser causados por terceras personas fuera del control del Ayuntamiento.
(iv) De la imposibilidad de dar el servicio o permitir el acceso por causas no imputables al Ayuntamiento, debidas al Usuario, a terceros, o a supuestos de fuerza mayor.
(v) El Portal o sede electrónica del Ayuntamiento de Cádiz puede contener enlaces a las sedes electrónicas de otras Administraciones públicas o a páginas web de otros órganos, empresas o instituciones, con el objetivo de facilitar a los ciudadanos la búsqueda de información y recursos a través de Internet. No obstante, dichas páginas no son de su titularidad y, por tanto, el Ayuntamiento de Cádiz no es responsable de sus contenidos, funcionamiento o de las posibles consecuencias que puedan derivarse del acceso o uso de las mismas. Puede indicarse, a través de mensajes sobre los enlaces, si accediendo a ellos se abandona o no el Portal del Ayuntamiento de Cádiz. En todo caso, al salir de la dirección, la información o los servicios a los que se acceda quedan fuera del ámbito de responsabilidad del titular, el Ayuntamiento de Cádiz.
7. Intellectual and industrial property.
All elements of the Portal (including, without limitation, source codes, databases, design, images, photographs, drawings, graphics, animations, applications, search engines, pages, logos, trademarks and trade names) are the property of the City Council of Cádiz or have been transferred to it (unless it is not expressly indicated). Therefore, the rights of authorship and exploitation in all its extension and modalities are protected by national and international norms of intellectual and industrial property, the infringement of which constitutes an illegal and criminal activity.
In particular, but without limiting the obligation of the user expressed in the previous section, the reproduction, transformation, distribution, public communication and in general any other form of exploitation, by any procedure, of all or part of the contents of this website are prohibited. portal, as well as its design, selection methods or forms of presentation of the resources and materials included in it.
The reproduction (printing and downloading) of extracts of the contents of the Portal or website is authorized only when they are carried out for personal or private use, or at the research or study level.
8. Reuse of public sector information
In accordance with article 8 of Law 37/2007, of November 16, on the reuse of public sector information, the reuse of information from Administrations and public sector organizations will be subject, among others, to the following general conditions:
(a) That the content of the information is not altered.
(b) That the meaning of the information is not distorted
(c) That the source be cited
(d) That the date of the last update of the documents subject to reuse is mentioned, as long as it was included in the original document.
(e) It may not indicate, insinuate or suggest that the information to be reused is sponsored or supports the reuse that is carried out with it.
(f) Keep and not alter or delete the metadata on the update date and the applicable reuse conditions included, where appropriate, in the document made available for reuse.
The total or partial reproduction of the contents published on the Portal is prohibited. However, the contents that are considered as open data in the Electronic Office, published
The use of the data sets, made open, will be carried out by the users or reuse managers at their own risk and account, corresponding exclusively to them to respond to third parties for damages that may arise from it.
However, exceptionally and with reasoned reasons, the Cádiz City Council may choose to apply the modalities provided in paragraphs b) and c) of article 4.2 of Law 37/2007, of November 16, on the reuse of information from the public sector:
- Reuse of documents made available to the public subject to conditions established in standard licences.
- Reuse of documents upon request, in accordance with the procedure provided for in article 10 of the aforementioned Law or, where appropriate, in the regional regulations, being able to incorporate in these cases conditions established in a license.
9. Calendar, official hours and calculation of deadlines in the electronic Office
The synchronization of the date and time of the electronic headquarters is carried out with the Royal Institute and Observatory of the Navy (ROA). For any procedure that is carried out from this headquarters, the official date and time indicated here will be the ones that have legal validity, and not those of the computer from which the procedure is carried out. It is necessary to update them when you want to be sure of the date and time at any given time.
Regarding the computation of deadlines, in accordance with article 30.2 of Law 39/2015, of October 1, on the Common Administrative Procedure of Public Administrations «provided that by Law or in the Law of the European Union no other is expressed calculation, when the terms are indicated by days, it is understood that these are working days, excluding Saturdays, Sundays and those declared holidays from the calculation.
When the deadlines have been indicated by calendar days by declaring it so by law or by European Union Law, this circumstance will be stated in the corresponding notifications.
However, in accordance with the provisions of the Third Transitory Provision, section a) of the same legal text, in the procedures already initiated before the entry into force of the Law, this is not applicable to them and they are governed by the previous regulations.
10. Spaces with restricted access.
Access to certain sections of this website is protected by user code and password (which must be established when completing the registration form), these being your credentials and with respect to which, the user acquires the following commitments:
- The access credentials are personal and non-transferable, they identify the user on the website and it is their responsibility to keep them secret. Therefore, the user will be responsible for all actions carried out with their access credentials.
- The user will notify the Cádiz City Council of any unauthorized use of their credentials or any other security incident as soon as they become aware of it.
11. Social networks.
Cádiz City Council [or, where appropriate, areas, departments or public bodies, integrated, linked or dependent on this entity] may be present, currently or in the future, on Internet social networks, where it deems appropriate to establish a presence.
These spaces will be considered official, not assuming responsibility for the use or content provided in any other accounts or open spaces on social networks by third parties. The Cádiz City Council will not assume responsibility for the use or content provided through accounts or open spaces by its public officials, created in a private way or through the political party or other group to which they belong.
The Cádiz City Council, as administrator of its own instances in said networks, may decide not to publish and/or delete any content published in them.
In any case, the User is solely responsible for the content that, where appropriate, they publish on these social networks of the Cádiz City Council, the general conditions and terms of use of the Portal and the electronic headquarters being fully applicable to social networks before exposed; and without prejudice to applying the conditions and terms or policies, established by the social network itself.
In addition, we inform you that the website integrates, where appropriate, plugins or complements of social networks, with respect to which you must take into account the following:
If you are registered as a user on the social network (Facebook, Twitter) and when you visit this website you have a session open on any of these social networks, when you “click” on their plugins, the social network will receive the information indicated and that you have visited the Site. In addition, it will provide information about your user profile of that social network (name, email, photo, etc.).
If you are not registered with the social network, or are not logged in while visiting the website, the social network may receive and store at least your IP address.
If you do not want a social network to collect your personal data or share it with us or third parties, please review the privacy policy of the relevant social network and log out of the social network before visiting this website. You can also delete existing cookies that the social network has installed on your computer using the functions of your browser.